The Alcobata – Aggressive Warrior Alien Race from Planet Urdam II in the Goraneor System

Artwork depicting an Alcobata alien being and their flat, round spaceship

Origins and Expansion

The Alcobata originate from planet Urdam II in the Goraneor system, located in Perseus constellation, but their influence stretches far across the galaxy. Their aggressive nature and parasitic tendencies have earned them a notorious reputation, with the Galactic Federation of Worlds viewing them as a threat.

Society and Reproduction

Alcobata society is hierarchical and complex, with a warrior-based structure. They have a unique reproductive system involving both egg-laying and live birth, with males primarily responsible for egg-bearing. This intricate social system assigns different roles based on biological differences between offspring.

Colonization and Abductions

Having colonized over 200 planets, the Alcobata frequently engage in the abduction of humans from their colonies, possibly for slavery. They prefer isolation from other alien races and are notorious for their aggression, suspected involvement in plane crashes and possession of advanced space travel technology.

Alcobata Ships

The Alcobata fleet comprises over 5000 ships known for their speed and efficiency. These flat, round vessels enable rapid movement across vast distances, solidifying the Alcobata’s status as one of the most dangerous races in the galaxy.

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