Finding Unknown Aluminum Alloy Metal Underground is “NOT” Common!

Piece of debris size.

When I recently released information that Frank and I found tiny pieces of metal which we dug up at the 1947 Roswell UFO Crash Debris site, I thought it would get a lot more attention, but I was wrong. Frank and I did speak on a couple of Podcasts that really got the info out there and for a minute the topic was on Reddit, but soon that fizzed away. We also did an interview with a local NBC news station here in Colorado Springs, but that never aired. I guess they decided it wasn’t news worthy.

It appears most people don’t think it’s a big deal to find non-registered aluminum alloy metal under inches of dirt in the middle of the New Mexico desert! Some of the comments on Reddit were so stupid, I’m surprise these people actually know how to tie their own shoes! Which scares me because they probably have driver’s licenses.

I did get a few good comments from people mostly asking why we didn’t run certain tests, and the reason is, money. It costs money to run tests. Between the both of us, Frank and I so far have invested a lot of money in testing and expenses. This is out of our own pockets with no real budget.

Frank and I could ask for donations in the future for testing, but we haven’t decided to do that yet. Maybe a GoFundMe fundraiser in the future may be possible, but we’re still in the beginning stages trying to fully understand what we’ve found and how to properly continue testing it.

We know this so far:
1. We’ve had two separate labs in separate states come up with the same conclusions, it appears to be an non-registered aluminum alloy.
2. Both labs told us the pieces they analyzed went under extreme trauma.
– a. Explosive in nature.
– b. Edges showing melting.
– c. Extreme damage down in the sub-micron level.
3. The lab’s machine’s software can not identify the metal to any registered alloy, 100%.

Just these last three things should really make you think, “Why is this metal found in the middle of the New Mexico desert?” Unfortunately a lot of people who read about the debris aren’t putting any real thought into this, they’re just making lazy assumptions, and this includes the media too!

At one point we were working with one radio station who wanted to do a press release but as it got closer to the release date, they got cold feet. It appears they were also making “lazy assumptions” which was probably based on their lack of scientific background and possibly the fear their listeners may think less of them or make fun of them. Oh sure they said if we could prove the debris was of extraterrestrial origin then they would “help us” get the word out.

Seriously? We wouldn’t need help from a radio station if we could prove the debris we found had an extraterrestrial orgin.

But there’s a lot more to consider than “lazy assumptions” when pondering about tiny pieces of an aluminum alloy being found at a proposed UFO crash site. Metal alloy which have been found in the soil on an average depth between 3 to 8 inches. Why is that? What is that? How did it get there? A lot of questions to answer.

One question which is a good question is, “Can the metal be dated?”

That would be cool if we can place the debris we found back to 1947. We can’t use Carbon dating because there’s nothing organic associated with the alloy, besides Carbon dating only works with things that are over 1000 years old, so what to do?

Well, there’s how deep in the soil some of the debris was found!

Stratigraphy! The branch of geology concerned with the order and relative position of strata and their relationship to the geological time scale.

Location where debris was found.

Archeologists can give a best guess on how old some artifacts are based on how deep they were buried in the soil. Like determining buildup of sediments over a period of time due to weather. The 1947 UFO crash debris field sits perfectly in a flood plain area which would experience things like blowing dirt, water runoff, fire, all which would add sediment to the surface over a period of time.

So one question is, “Since 1947 if some very small pieces of UFO crash debris were missed by the military during their clean-up stage, how much sediment would accumulate on top of it over 76 years”?

Here’s other questions to think about.

If a craft did impact the ground at that location which our debris definitely shows evidence of extreme trauma explosive in nature, then some pieces would have been embedded into the soil. How deep would be determined by speed and protectory of the craft. All unknowns.1947 Roswell Crash Debris researchers have stated that the craft created a gouge in the ground when it skipped off the surface, so the military used bulldozers to cover the gouge evidence.

Note. Story goes the craft skipped off the ground, breaking apart leaving debris, then the main structure crashed further down the skip line. Picture taking a Frisbee and skipping it off the sidewalk, where the Frisbee hit the sidewalk would be the “debris site”, where the Frisbee finally landed would be the impact site or final resting place of the UFO main structure.

Archeology dig I was a part of back in 2000.

Back in 2000 an archelogy dig I worked on for the Syfy Channel at the Debris site, a backhoe tractor was brought in to look for gouge evidence that may have been covered-up back in 1947 by the military. So we did at one time, look for evidence of a gouge that was created by a craft possibly skipping off the ground.

If the military did in fact use bulldozers to cover a gouge in the ground, then very small pieces of metal that were missed by the military cleanup stage on the surface would in fact be sitting in different depths within the soil.

We’ve found very small pieces of debris from 3 to 8 inches in soil depth, and Frank has even found a piece at least 12 inches deep! So the bulldozer theory could seem plausible.

Frank has also found evidence of a military presence at that location which is 1940’s period date uniform buttons. Oh sure over the years maybe a rancher who was wearing a military type shirt from the 1940’s could have lost a button or two while working, but the evidence Frank found still needs to be considered especially when we’re finding un-registered metal alloys at that location.

Still the debris itself is quite fascinating by itself, and yet confusing. Small pieces that are bent and twisted showing evidence that some explosive event took place and created them.

Piece of debris size.

Could a crashed weather balloon do that? Maybe a balloon which had flammable gas like hydrogen for inflation had exploded? Good question but, there’s never been any type of weather balloon material like latex or synthetic rubber found at the site. You would think if a large balloon chain had exploded, tiny pieces of burned balloon material would have been found within the last 76 years.

Piece of aluminum alloy debris under extreme magnification.

What’s really interesting about this alloy is not only is it not a registered alloy, but what it looks like at extreme magnification. Very unusual surface properties compared to known alloys. What are we dealing with? What is this stuff?

Some theories of the crash besides the weather balloon theory or the Project Mogul theory would be, a top secret military craft crashed there. That’s why the metal we’re finding may not be a registered alloy. I’m sure there are a lot of alloys of military grade that aren’t registered. But you would think a top secret aircraft would have been monitored using radar in the area and if it disappeared, the military would have started looking for it. Not so with this event, the material was found by rancher Mac Brazel back in 1947 and the military didn’t even know about it until Mac showed pieces of the wreckage to Sheriff Wilcox who then contacted Walker Army Airforce Base in Roswell.

Another more sinister theory could be, it was a top secret spy aircraft from another country. But then again it doesn’t answer the question why alien type humanoids were spotted at the crash site. Oh sure there are some silly theories out there stating that another country used small Mongoloid people or something similar to pilot their top secret spy craft, but that theory doesn’t hold water because the dead occupants went under autopsies at the base, and the doctors would have easily seen they were human.

Story goes the occupants were not human.

Either way the only thing at this point we have to work with as far as evidence of a crash is little pieces of metal alloy debris being found. We can’t make any conclusions or speculations until we learn more about these small pieces of metal. They’re not pieces of cans so you people who make “lazy assumptions” just hold your breath, anybody with any intelligence at all would know that when we had the pieces analyzed at the labs, that the lab’s technical equipment would have quickly identified the metals as soup or beer cans, or something similar.

But the lab’s equipment “could not” identify the alloy as any type of registered alloy.

So what’s next? Well more testing will be done as Frank and I decide what to do and how to pay for it and remember, we will be hand delivering pieces of this debris to the lab and watching them test it. If they won’t let us do that, then we don’t use that lab. We must witness the testing thus following an evidence trail to insure proper testing was done on the correct material.

But just remember this; Finding unknown aluminum alloy metal underground at the 1947 Roswell Crash Skip (debris) site is “NOT” what one would consider, “Something Common!”

Note: Additional comment added by Frank Kimbler:

Some facts. Chuck Zukowski and I found aluminum alloys at the actual Roswell UFO crash site, aka debris field. These alloys have been tested at metallurgical labs and by universities. The data was shown to other experts in the field (2nd hand information). The composition according to the data indicates that the alloys are not registered in the global index. The composition index is called the Teal Sheets, and it is available from the Aluminum Association free of charge.

Another good place to look is here: .

This is another huge data base of alloy compositions. Chuck posted the compositions in his previous blogs. All the analytical work recently, as well as work that was done almost ten years ago points to one thing, unknown. The materials are an unknown 6000 series aluminum alloy that have been subjected to extreme stress and high temperatures. These findings would suggest an explosion, maybe from a craft of unknown origin. We need more detailed work before we can claim extraterrestrial. We have strange, we have bizarre. To avoid complete destruction of what we have, some special testing is needed; that kind of testing is really expensive. Chuck and I also need to maintain chain of custody and be present during testing adding to more expense and time. I have yet to have any so-called expert in the field, like Jacques Vallée, Professor Avi Loeb from Harvard, Professor Gary Nolan from Stanford, offer any help. They know we have this material and they ignore us. We want good science, and they could help.

Frank Kimbler

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