The Tarice – Peaceful Reptiloid Inhabitants of Epsilon Persei in Perseus constellation

Illustration of Tarice beings and their exquisite ships

The Peaceful Residents of Epsilon Persei

The Tarici, towering at an impressive 8 feet in height, are a muscular race of Reptiloid beings native to Epsilon Persei, located in the Perseus constellation. Despite their formidable appearance, they are known for their peaceful nature, abstaining from abductions or direct contact with Terrans.

Members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds

While the Tarice are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW), they maintain a neutral stance regarding Terra’s liberation efforts. Their primary interests lie in scientific pursuits, particularly their fascination with volcanoes.

Concerns and Frequent Encounters

Although the Tarice have been requested to maintain discretion during their visits to Terra, their presence has become increasingly frequent. Their lack of efforts to conceal their activities has raised concerns among Terrans, especially given their advanced technology and the exquisite nature of their ships.

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