Romanian rail freight volumes down by over 11%

Rail freight volumes in Romania declined by 11,5 per cent in 2023. The vast majority of goods were transported domestically, according to the National Institute of Statistics.
The total volume of freight transported via rail in Romania declined by 11,5 per cent in 2023. In total, 48,867 million tonnes of goods were transported over the year. The vast majority, nearly eighty per cent, was transported domestically.

The largest categories of goods transported were petroleum products at 23 per cent, as well as coal and natural gas at 21,1 per cent.

The number of loaded wagons entered from abroad (thousand wagons) increased by 2,6 per cent, and the average gross weight of freight wagons (tons/train) by 2,3 per cent. The average commercial speed of freight trains (km/h) decreased by 13,6 per cent, and the average distance driven decreased by 3,4 per cent.

Contrast with passenger rail

In contrast, passenger rail indicators over the past year were largely positive. Rail registered a 5,4 per cent increase in the number of transported passengers. The average commercial speed of passenger trains (km/h) increased by 0,6 per cent.

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