Elffaf – Peaceful Scientists near Arsellus Primus in Northern Theta Boötis Constellation

Artistic representation of Elffaf, a peaceful alien species conducting scientific research near Arsellus Primus in the Northern Theta Boötis Constellation

Elffaf and Their Homeworlds

Their two home-worlds are near Arsellus Primus at northwestern Boötis constellation and are named Harsana-Mubunu and Igir. Elffaf are peaceful people, a quiet benevolent species barely involved in the dramas of the galaxy.

They could be mistaken for the Solipsi Rai but are not related, not even from far. Elfaff are mainly interested in studying exosciences. They have four genders, three having a role to play in the breeding process.

Elffaf Genders and Biology

Two genders are assigned to procreate, the third to bear the embryo at term, a biologic particularity attested through many races in this galaxy. Those of the fourth gender are not fertile and often vow their life to science prospects, because allotted with higher psychic abilities.

Elffaf’s Terra Exploration

Elffaf come to Terra (Earth) for mining interests and scientific study of the planet, mainly interested in its geology and wouldn’t harm any living creature not even for science purposes. Their ships are dome-like.

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