Anak – Reptilian Race of Izar, Epsilon Boötis, Anak-Imann System

Anak, the Reptilian race from Izar in the Epsilon Boötis system, part of the Anak-Imann System in the Boötes Constellation

– Epsilon Boötis: The Anak-Imann Star System

Their star system is cataloged as Epsilon Boötis, or Izar, also recognized as Anak-Imann. The inhabitant species, designate their planets by numbers, predominantly residing on planets 2 and 3.

– The Anaki: Ferocious Reptilian Race

The Anaki, are a race of ferocious reptilians, exist as part of the Reptilian Collective and subordinate to the Draconian Ciakahrr. Although outnumbered and technologically inferior, they maintain ties to the Ciakahrr Empire.

– Physical Characteristics of Anaki

Displaying features similar to Solipsi Rai Zeta Greys, Anaki exhibit grey to brown hues. Females possess darker skin, scarce long black hair, and are less aggressive than the males, who have undergone genetic modifications for enhanced longevity and combat capabilities. They emit a distinctive smell akin to rotten rust.

– Anaki Involvement and Settlements

Anaki were historically involved in settlements in Eastern Japan, blending into the local population during an interbreeding program linked to the Ciakahrr agenda. They participated in the Dulce incidents and contributed to the infiltration, implantation and control of Terrans, advancing the Ciakahrr’s planetary domination aspirations.

– Anaki’s Utilization of Ciakahrr Technology

Primarily employing Ciakahrr’s superior technology, Anaki’s square-shaped ships are seldom visible, operating predominantly with Ciakahrr vessels for increased efficiency.

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