ScotRail installs vital defibs across the country

Train operator ScotRail has completed the latest roll-out of its new defibrillators, installing the lifesaving machines at 87 stations across the country.

The devices are now in place at stations all over Scotland, including Arrochar, Crianlarich, Nairn, Dunbar, and Dumfries.

ScotRail said that it had installed the defibs in accessible places wherever possible, and that they will be available 24 hours day. There are exceptions where it has been necessary to install them in ticket offices due to security issues.

The lifesaving equipment can help to restore heart rhythm when someone goes into cardiac arrest, and the completion of this roll-out has greatly enhanced the availability across Scotland’s Railway.

All of the devices are registered with the Scottish Ambulance Service and the ScotRail network map has been updated to show a green heart beside each station that currently has a defibrillator installed.

The information is also held on The Circuit, which is the National Defibrillator Network. This means that when 999 is called and the caller advises the handler of a cardiac event, the handler will check the database and direct the caller to the nearest device.

David Lister, ScotRail Safety and Sustainability Director, said: “ScotRail recognises that in an emergency, a defibrillator can make the difference between life and death, and we are delighted to have been able to install so many of them at stations across the network. 
“With all of our new devices registered on the national network, it means that if anyone is need of urgent medical care, they will get that vital support when they need it most.

“We’re delighted to be supporting communities throughout Scotland, and this latest roll-out ensures that 87 of our stations now have a machine.”

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