Ohoran Arcturians – Advanced Civilizations of Bootes Arcturus

Arwork image of Ohoran Arcurians, anAdvanced Civilizations of Bootes Arcturus

– Ohora in the Bootes Constellation

There is a magnificent blue planet orbiting the red giant star Arcturus, “Ohora”, in the Bootes constellation, 36 light years from your solar system. It is one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, which has surpassed into the 7th & 9th density. The three Arcturian groups are the Gladeai (Glaideans), the Noo-Linni (Noolinns) and the Ohorai (Ohorans) (9th D).

– Arcturian Culture and Abilities

Arcturians are an old and highly developed culture, technologically as well as spiritually. They can choose when to manifest into the 3rd density physically, but mainly exist in an etheric state, knowing that physical matter is not an obstacle for them. The Ohorai are those involved with the Galactic Federation of Worlds for the concern of Terra and are regarded as very wise elders.

Great Elders of Light, they compose the higher caste of these spiritual beings and dwell up into the 9th Density. Arcturians Ohorai are known for their power of healing, transforming matter, as well as bending and manipulating light itself.

– The “Ohorai Way” and Spiritual Practice

They accomplish these things with their conscious mind, and the “Ohorai Way” is a spiritual practice renowned throughout the galaxy as an art of the spirit. This is a daily practice very popular among those serving the Light.

Many cultures throughout the galaxy teach their children since an early age the Ohorai techniques of spiritual attuning, as to become an essential routine into their life.

– Connection to Source and Spiritual Practices

Keeping naturally connected to Source via our personal channel, in perfect awareness, is to never lose our way through the disturbances of life and always stay attuned to the Light and the ways of morality, objectivity and justice.

Ohorai do not eat material food when not manifested in lower planes, and generally ingest energy through their nervous systems.

– Guardians of Higher Consciousness and Multiverse

As guardians and protectors of higher consciousness, they are able to anchor the Source directly and consciously. They work at raising the consciousness of the multiverse, in a way that always allows free-will, and they educating those who chose to take the path of ascension, raising their vibration, and clearing the path to higher consciousness.

– Advanced Technology and Starships

Their ships are the finest in the entire galaxy, propelled by crystals conducting light energy from the Source core of the galaxy. Huge and spherical, vibrantly white and looking ethereal or transparent for you, these spherical ships are also able to travel through time.

They have as well small shuttle crafts, spherical in shape, also named “probes”, employed to shift magnetic points and grids on Terra in the process of helping the planet elevate into 5D as fast as possible.

– Interaction with Terran Light-Beings

Something interesting they do, as they can time-travel, is that they have this vaporizing module in their ships that can instantly dematerialize any life-form that has died and, it can be rematerialized at any time by consulting the ship’s records.

Terran light-beings (souls) can be sometimes brought to the Arcturian starships during their dream state, where they are healed and helped, at the difference that Arcturians never violate a person’s free choice.

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