Ramay – Naacals from Capella in the Auriga Constellation

An artwork image showcasing the Ramay, also known as Naacals, originating from Capella in the Auriga Constellation.

The Ramay, also known historically as Naacals, originate from the binary subgiant star system of Capella within the Auriga constellation. Their home world, Rama’, harbors a species characterized by unique physical features and a rich history intertwined with Earth’s civilizations.

– Physical Characteristics and Origins

Hailing from Rama’, the Ramay exhibit distinctive physical traits—short, bulky stature, square jaws, elongated skulls and facial features reminiscent of South American humans with slightly pointed ears and smaller noses. Their eyes vary in color (black, brown or dark grey) and possess a stretched and slender appearance.

– Historical Significance

The Ramay have an extensive history on Earth, particularly during the era of the Selosii dominance and the rise of Atlantis. Rejecting hierarchical rule, they established the Yu Empire, migrating underground.

Their influence on South and Central American continents seeded the rise of the Mayan civilization. They imparted advanced scientific knowledge, particularly in astronomy and timekeeping, before departing during the Mayans’ zenith.

– Legacy and Influence

Despite departing, the Ramay’s teachings persisted through Mayan culture and folklore. Unfortunately, misunderstandings led to the deification of the Ramay, resulting in superstitions and practices like blood sacrifices. Their legacy endures in ancient architecture aligned with the rising Capella star.

– Modern Interaction and Technology

Presently affiliated with the Galactic Federation of worlds, the Ramay continue sporadic visits to Earth, engaging in watch and protection programs. Proficient in interdimensional travel and space trans-curvature, their ships bear a metallic, silvery and luminous appearance.

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