D-Day Diorama Project Planning Meeting

A sample of Kent Rocco’s D-Day artwork
Mark Fastoso and I visited Keith Rocco at his home and studio in the Shenandoah Valley to continuing planning for the D-Day Diorama Project. (I mentioned this project in an earlier post here.)   

Rough cardboard mock-up of the first diorama 
Keith had assembled a very rough mockup of what he planned for the first iteration of the diorama.  I brought some of my 1/100th scale figures, plus a new 1/100th scale model of a LCVP that I printed to use in the mockup. With those we were able to finalize the basic design of the diorama. Keith will send me a drawing showing the exact terrain features that will be included so I can start building it as a fine scale model.

  Keith has recently completed two large murals depicting the 1st Infantry Division on D-Day for the First Infantry Museum in Cantigny, IL. He wishes to continue working with this theme in a diorama format. Keith’s vision is to build a series of dioramas depicting the action on Omaha Beach on D-Day to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day this coming June. He plans to make them a traveling exhibit that he can take to various locales to display along with his artwork. 

The first diorama section will focus on the 1st Infantry Division on the east end of the beach near Colleville-sur-Mer. This was the area where some of heaviest fighting took place.    Eventually there will be 3 more dioramas depicting other areas of Omaha beach. The dioramas will feature 1/100th scale figures in the foreground and will reduce in scale as one approaches the dunes and cliff.  Keith plans to paint a backdrop for each diorama with the correct geographic features.  I will be building the diorama bases and the terrain. Mark will be producing video segments that visitors can watch on their phones using QR codes. The videos will help tell the story of what is going on in each diorama.  We also have Michael Akkerman advising us on details. He is an expert on the D-Day landings. 

It should be de a first class exhibit.  


This is where you can help contribute to the project. To build this and the subsequent dioramas will require a significant number of 15mm scale US figures in the D-Day uniforms.  We are looking for people that have painted or unpainted 15mm US figures and vehicles appropriate to this battle and would be willing to contribute to the project. The figures should be US soldiers in D-Day appropriate uniforms. Sherman tanks with deep water fording kits, landing craft including LCVP, LCA and others.  We also need figures in unusual poses such as soldiers wading with weapons overhead, prone, and wounded. We will be doing conversions on some figures to match the scenes.   If you wish to contribute to the project please send an email to me at bkempins@yahoo.com

All contributors will be acknowledged. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to fascinating project.

A French cavalryman that Keith
 is almost finished painting PS. I also had a chance to visit Keith’s art studio. Wow, it is amazing. 

Keith and Mark by one of Keith’s latest work.

Keith’s studio would rival many museums with original uniforms and artwork

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