Onorhai – Beings from the 6th & 7th Dimensions in the Altair System

Artist's depiction of the Onorhai, a unique extraterrestrial race from the 6th & 7th dimensions in the Altair System

– Physical Characteristics of Onorhai Beings

The Onorhai, inhabitants of Akhoria and neighbors of the Akhori, possess a towering stature with broad shoulders and cascading long brown hair. Their unique traits encompass tanned skin tinted with orange shades, small slanted brown eyes devoid of eye whites or black pupils, flat and broad noses, thin mouths and a facial structure lacking noticeable cheekbones. A defining feature includes their three-fingered hands, setting them distinctly apart in appearance.

– Distinct Attire and Insignia

Clad in white uniforms, the Onorhai accessorize with a golden belt and a weapon case. Notably, a red circular insignia embellishes their chests, while a significant golden band portrays the three Altair planets represented by three blue and green dots, forming a curved V shape symbolizing the Altair system.

– Nature and Cosmic Pursuits

The Onorhai are renowned for their agreeable and hospitable nature, epitomizing benevolence in their interactions. Their cosmic endeavors primarily involve male members engaging in interstellar travel to explore and study minerals across the vast expanse of space.

– Independence Amidst Cosmic Alignments

Distinct from the Altairan Humanoid Alliance, the Onorhai maintain an autonomous existence within the cosmic order. Their spacecraft, characterized by radiant white glowing spheres, distinguishes them as independent entities navigating the cosmic tapestry.

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