Draconians: Reptilians – The ‘Ciakahrr’ Invaders Alien Race from Constellation Draco

Artistic representation of Ciakahrr, a prominent reptilian race known as the Draconians, featured in the article exploring alien life from Constellation Draco

– Constellation Draco, main systems: Alpha, Epsilon and Sigma

There are seven different reptilian species in the Draconis constellation star systems, but three main Reptoid races, including the Alpha-Draconians, are most known and feared.

They have been permanently on Terra for over 15000 years and sporadically for much longer, going back to millions of years. They colonised over 500 planets by means of infiltration through governments and other leadership positions and have a presence on thousands of planets.

Their three home worlds are Thuban-Anwar (Alpha Draconis, head of their empire), Tiphon Giansar (Sygma Draconis) and Grumium Eltanin (Epsilon Draconis). They are considered a technological advanced species but they prefer to work in the shadow, as an advantage for their agendas.

Reptilians from the Draconian systems are known for having a very particular routine to invade worlds, they will send enslaved inferior races for first contact, such as Zeta DoHu or Solipsi Rai, to disguise the invasion.

Indigenous populations will be made to believe that the harmless and apparently genuine visitors need help and assistance in their genetic project to save their dying race, leaders will be promised wealth, weapons and technology in exchange and when all treaties are signed, the Draconians show up as the true new masters behind all this. And once in, you cannot get them out unless at great cost…

The only way to get them off a planet is often with the intervention of the Galactic Federation of Worlds or at least, the help of a species more advanced technologically in warfare than the invaded population and able to withstand the forces of the Reptilian and Orion Empires. Which… is quite a challenge.

Many reptiloid species, alike the Ciakahrr, Nagai and Mazarek for instance, feed off etheric substance as well as flesh and blood (they feed off humans and drink human blood) and these both sources of nourishment are in fact intrinsically linked.

It is easy to understand when you consider that flesh and blood have low etheric frequency, especially when imbued with the vibration of fear and pain experienced at death.

This is also another reason why Reptilian invaders work at hidden agendas to maintain a certain level of violence and basic instinct on the conquered planets, generating wars, grief, starvation, destruction and despair.

There is also a very strong reason why they do not want to let go the ownership of Terra: Adrenochrome, a substance produced on Terra by children submitted to extreme pain and fear and more valuable to Reptilians than anything else in the universe.

This highly prized drug, excreted from the human body through a needle that you place in the left eye or back in a vertebra of the spine, gives them a “kick”, it helps their body cells regenerate and also benefits in the shapeshifting process (it lasts longer). This is the main reason why Terran abductees never return and especially children, being used as food or/and either as slaves.

They also abduct females on a large scale, in order to create hybrid offsprings to be sent away to other colonized planets or, otherwise these offsprings become powerful members infiltrated in the main leading societies. Let’s now have a look at the three different species from the main systems, Alpha, Epsilon, and Sigma. However, in this article, we will focus more on the Alpha-Draconians:

Artistic depiction showcasing Dragonian extraterrestrial beings, representative of the various alien races originating from the Alpha, Epsilon, and Sigma systems in Constellation Draco

– Alpha-Draconians or Ciakahrr

Reptilian beings originating from the Thuban star system, or Alpha Draconis, which is 215 light years from Terra and was formerly your pole star. They are Sapient Reptoids who were dumped here by another vastly superior reptilian race, the Tiamatian, from another dimension.

Their original home worlds are named Lokas and Talas and the points of entry into our known universe were through interdimensional portals in the zone of the Thuban and Alwaid systems.

They strive in hydrogen based ecosystems on desert planets. Alpha Draconians name themselves “Ciakahrr” and are considered, by their technological advancement in warfare, as a Master Reptilian race. You find them also named Dracos or Dracs.

Their bodies possess consequent coverage in order to protect their skin from attacks, while the upper cast have wings allowing them to travel fast. Quite tall creatures, they are heavily built and covered in scales, or sometimes a plated hide and in some specific cases, feathering.

All these variations depend on their caste. This is a violent race and their culture is based on war. Ciakahrr see Terrans as a source of
nourishment, trade and slavery, so they do not particularly have patience for humans and they are blamed for a large percentage of abductions.

Although it is often alleged that a warrior race doesn’t always screams intelligence, the Draconians make exception to this rule. They are indeed very intelligent (to a certain measure) and are also expert geneticists (to a certain point also).

They possess either three or five long clawed fingers with an opposable thumb with talons on the ends, a large inferior jaw, holes for ears and large eyes.

Their genitalia are hidden by a flap of skin. They wear very little clothes except for extra armour, often seen with a belt used as and invisibility device.

The faces of these creatures are a mix of lizardhumanoid. A central ridge comes down from the top of their heads and their eyes have vertical golden iris and black pupils.

Sometimes, the iris or the entire eye has small red splodges of blood. They are cold blooded and need an adequate environment to maintain their body moist and at temperature. Nonetheless, their scales protect them from moisture loss, larger and thicker on their back. They are also fitted for space travel due to their ability to hibernate.

– They have Supernatural powers

  • Shapeshifting (not all members)
  • Telepathy
  • Inter dimensional travelling (most races can’t)
  • Cloaking (for high ranking members only). To have that power, a Reptilian must be first accepted in an elite group that infiltrates and has co-founded the Illuminati.

– They are differentiated in Two first types

The Terra-Draconians and the OffWorld Draconians. The Terra-Draconians predate Terran humans over hundreds of millions of years. Like other reptilians, they falsely claim to have originated on Terra millions of years ago, a fact they use to justify their attempt to “re-take” this planet for their own.

The truth being that, they found it before anybody else and disputed its ownership with the Lyrans, Selosii and Anunnaki, claiming it as theirs. Any other new visiting race was considered by them as invasive.

Because of their ability for inter-dimensional travel, the Galactic Federation of Worlds has locked the Terra-Draconians into the 3rd dimensional plane and also blocked the off-world Draconians to penetrate the Terran star system, by an energy barrier at the outskirts of the solar system.

Ciakahrr were one of the first species to reach interstellar travel level and they have obstructed the evolution of many cultures, preventing them from achieving the same level of technology.

They also seeded many worlds with their biological off-springs and hybrids, considering themselves as original rulers of controlled worlds, superior to the indigenous species they see as inferior races.

They are also interested in harvesting Terra’s resources, utilizing in that aim the local populations to do the job for them. This is done by a hidden control of the mining corporations and industrial companies.

You are confronted with a belligerent civilization that breeds from eggs boosted with hormones quickening the birth to create strong warriors, who can live underground and in the most remote and hostile parts of your planet.

They are attempting to take over the planet in what we call the “window of opportunity”, which is the period before a federated society becomes an interplanetary and interstellar power and yours is now beginning to close!

The problem is that we, of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, cannot give you right now the technology of interstellar travel because you are not yet federated among yourselves as a unique peaceful society. You need to grow and mature to reach by yourselves this liminal threshold in your evolution and believe me, we are doing the best in our capacities to hasten you getting there as quickly as possible.

On the other side, all these invasive races such as greys and reptilians, are at the moment working very hard to maintain this window open by retaining advanced technology from the Terrans and entertaining confusion, conflicts and wars.

Imagine, the day you are all finally federated as one, on your home planet that you –finally- truly own and able to colonize other worlds, finding solutions to the overpopulation and environmental issues, counting also the fact that Terrans possess inborn “fighter” nature the Ciakahrr fear, that time when Terrans will reach interstellar travel…

Terrans will become a threat to the Reptilian Empire’s agenda. And Reptilians do not want this to happen. Their ships have wide range variations, often discoidal but one there is a constant: Ciakahrr motherships are huge, large rectangular vessels.

– Language & Communication

Their language sounds like rolling atonal guttural vocalizations, growls and clicking noises, quite loud and uncomfortable to hear, partially the reason why their telepathic abilities are so well refined.

The warriors rarely speak, communicating with each other and their superiors nonvocally. They call themselves “K’Akumaa”, which means “individual”, when addressing each other. They call Terra “Shan” and Terrans “Shanaï”.

– Social structure: The Ciakahrr – Royalty & Elites

It follows rather an insect-like caste-based structure than a reptile social structure and is composed of three main castes:

The Ciakahrr royalty are scaled individuals with beige or greenish brown colours, and they measure about 18 to 25feet tall (approximately 5.5 to 7.6 meters). They have curved horns, a tail and wings which are flaps of skin articulated by extensions of their ribs and that can be folded back tight to the body.

They have large golden-red to blue eyes, with vertical slit pupils. Because of their size, psychic ability and wings, Ciakahrrs were mistaken as your legendary Dragons (in which confusion you gave this name to the constellation where they originate from: Draconis.

They are known to have for symbol the winged serpent. The elites are usually black and brown with yellow or red striping and weigh up to 1,900 pounds.

Also winged. They thrive on inducing fear to their subjects, preying especially on the youngest subjects for food, notably Terran children, to feed upon as a delicacy.

As i mentioned already, Terran children subject to intense fear produce a substance the Ciakahrr are particularly fond of. Some Ciakahrr can also see across or move to other planes.

An artistic depiction featuring the Nagai and Nagari, formidable reptilian shapeshifter warriors, set against the backdrop of an imposing alien mothership and scoutships, showcasing their presence and advanced technology in the extraterrestrial domain

– The Nagai/ Nagari – Warrior caste

Shorter and thicker, very muscular, no wings. They are aggressive, violent and feared through the galaxy for their renowned aptitudes for combat. Their skin is scaled and can be from dark red to orange with black striping. They are 7 to 8 feet tall (approximately 2.1 to 2.4 meters), renowned and feared for their fighting skills.

Their eyes are yellow, slanted, with vertical slit pupils. These are capable to bury themselves to wait for an ambush, some long periods of time, surviving even with only one meal each twelve to fifteen days (technics developed to increase their aggressively and thirst for blood). Their symbol is the Ouroboros.

Image depicting the Ciakahrr Empire, featuring the Ouroboros symbol, a representation of eternal cycles and power within the context of the reptilian Ciakahrr civilization

– The Lower Caste

Smaller (4 to 12 feet tall – 1.2 to 3.7 meters) and considerably weaker, way less body armour. No wings. They can be split in seven sub-casts: scientists, engineers, industrial workers, priests, traders, military -security and finally, feeders.. They can appear as brown, red, blue or dark green. They mainly have yellow eyes.

– Shapeshifting

This is a skill they excel in and which has been developed from a natural camouflaging ability, for war and conquest purpose. They will blurry their energy signature to any signature they opt for and it can be very deceitful. They are very good at it.

Their natural mental capacity to generate illusions is coupled with a particular technology involving temporary molecular rearrangement (Adrenochrome helps greatly with that) and visual vibratory modulation, using either a projected hypnotic or holographic field around their bodies.

It is a virtual screen, or what you can call a mirage, if you prefer, which is an easy way to describe how the trajectory of light is modified and rearranged to create an illusion. And of course, they also masquerade as Telosii and Pleiadeans, in an effort to deceive abductees and gain their compliance.

And of course, also, as you know, but it is always best to remind it, not all Pleiadean or human type visitors are reptilians involved in some type of agenda against humanity.

This has to be written down and reminded, as much as the knowing to be visually mislead. Draconians perform these confusing shapeshiftings not only to deceive the abductees and make things easier, but also to confuse them and make of the Pleiadeans and races alike a bad name, in the attempt that benevolent species lose credit and trust to the eyes of the Terrans.

Beside some useful drugs (like Adrenochrome) aiding their molecular regeneration and stability in the process of shapeshifting, Ciakahrr also mine mono-atomic gold, with the aid of slaves of course. This particular mineral boosts their neurosystems.

Image shows a "reptilian shape shifter" guarding former U.S. President Barack Obama during a 2013 speech

Obama’s reptilian shapeshifter security guard

– How to spot a Shapeshifter

Once you memorise these basics, it is quite obvious. Here are the main characteristics of a Reptilian shapeshifter in disguise:

  • They are taller in size than the average Caucasian man.
  • They have usually brown hair but can mimic blond extra-terrestrial races as well.
  • They have a narrow torso and strong, high, muscular upper legs.
  • They have narrow eyes that need to be constantly moist. For this necessity, they possess a lateral membrane that “clicks” swiftly at regular intervals. In a certain angle of light, principally if you watch them from a lateral angle, you can guess their slit pupils.
  • Watch the texture of their skin within their wrists and in their neck, this is where they have the most difficulty to hold the molecular transformation.
  • They have a strong inferior jaw, that is a structure they struggle to change and a large smile with more teeth than it would seem normal.
  • The shapeshifting illusion gives perfectly symmetrical faces, which may seem strangely attractive.
  • They are expert manipulators, narcissists and provocative for conflicts, energy drainers and thirsty for power of any sort.

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