Kale-Nia – Alien Race from Aquila Constellation in Tarazed system

Visual representation of the Kale-Nia, a species from Aquila Constellation in Tarazed star system

– Origins of Kale-Nia in Tarazed

Kale-Nia, originating from the constellation Aquila (the Eagle) within the star system Tarazed, approximately 460 light-years away from Earth and is part of the Milky Way galaxy. Kale-Nia have expanded their civilization across three distinct worlds.

These humanoid beings possess reptilian genetics, characterized by a slighter and slimmer build compared to Terrans. Sporting cat’s eyes, small pointed ears and devoid of hair, they boast an impressive lifespan of 150 years.

– Physical Attributes of Kale-Nia

A fascinating aspect of Kale-Nia is their distinct appearance. Their reptilian genetic heritage bestows them with unique features such as cat’s eyes, smaller pointed ears and a hairless physique.

These differences in appearance offer a glimpse into their evolutionary origins and adaptations within their home world’s environment, within the star system Tarazed.

– Encounters with Terra & Geological Interests

Kale-Nia made their first visit to Terra approximately 2300 (Earth) years ago, intrigued by geographical resemblances to their own habitat.

Particularly drawn to the arid landscapes of Northern Africa and the Sahara, similar to their home world, they also showed a keen interest in regions with active volcanoes.

– Ethical Conduct & Interests

It’s crucial to note that Kale-Nia do not engage in abductions. Their primary focus revolves around geological surveys and mineral exploration rather than any intrusive actions.

Their visits to Terra are driven by scientific curiosity and a quest for understanding the planet’s geological composition.

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