Tengri-Tengri – Aquarius Constellation Alien Race

An artistic depiction of the Aquarius Constellation against a cosmic backdrop, symbolizing the Tengri-Tengri, an imagined alien race associated with this celestial region

– Origins of Tengri: A Beautiful World

Tengri-Tengri come from the second planet of the star system named Trappist 1 (galactic sector 56, star system F-1342), and they name their beautiful world ‘Tengri’.

Their sun, a small red star, lies 39.6 light years away from Terra. Within this system of seven planets, life developed on most of them, with Tengri standing out as a dazzling tropical environment.

– Life in Semi-Underground Cities

Despite the breathtaking beauty of their world, the Tengri are accustomed to living in semi-underground cities and their population totals about 12 million individuals.

This pacifist race is a proud member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, adhering to a culture of peace and tranquility while embracing two genders.

– Encounters with Terra and Ethical Shifts

Tengri-Tengri discovered Terra ten thousand (Earth) years ago. While they previously engaged in such encounters, it’s important to note that they no longer perform abductions.

Their enormous discoidal ships are equipped for long-distance travels, symbolizing their peaceful exploration of the cosmos.

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