– Overview of the Maytra Race ↫
The Maytra, also known as Maitre or Matrei (plural), originate from the Megopei system in the Andromeda galaxy. Renowned as one of the most malevolent races, they pose a significant threat to all inhabitants of this galaxy.
Universally viewed as parasitic beings, they’ve forged alliances with entities such as the Ciakahrr Empire and the Orion collectives, utilizing mutual interests to their advantage..
– Physical Attributes & Characteristics ↫
Physically resembling humans, the Maytra are hermaphroditic entities characterized by elongated faces, slender necks and elongated skulls, presenting an imposing appearance.
Though their average lifespan is around 120 Earth years, their driving force remains rooted in emotions of rage, hatred and assimilation..
– Maytra’s Technological Assets ↫
Their massive discoidal ships, dark in appearance, sport a distinctive circular row of lights and a substantial aperture underneath.
Their emblem, a black inverted triangle on three lines set against a red background, serves as their unmistakable insignia..
– Involvement with Earth & Other Planets ↫
For ages, the Maytra have frequented Earth, attempting colonization multiple times. Yet, interventions by factions like the Ciakahrr, Anunnaki, Council of Five and the Galactic Federation of Worlds have thwarted their efforts.
Additionally, they’ve colonized 26 other planets, engaging openly in human abductions. These abductions serve their own purposes, including slave trafficking to mines on Terra’s moon and Mars, as well as in collaboration with other species, notably the Reptilians..
– Historical Impact & Collaborations ↫
Throughout human history, the Maytra have played a role in catastrophic events. In partnership with the Reptilians, they’ve inflicted some of the worst plagues, a strategic move aimed at curbing human population growth below 8 billion.