The Zygon of Groombridge 34 – Andromedan Constellation Alien Race

Image depicting the Zygon - Andromedan Constellation Alien Race settlement in Groombridge 34, part of the Andromeda galaxy.

– Settlement & Evolution

The Zygon, originally a Lyran colony, established their home in Groombridge 34, one of Andromeda’s twelve systems.

As humanoids, they underwent remarkable adaptation and evolution on their new planet, resulting in a taller stature and the development of pale blue skin, attributed to the atmospheric composition.

Notably, their lifespan extended significantly, enabling them to live for up to 2000 Earth years.

– Galactic Federation Membership

While being part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Zygon maintain a deliberate disinterest in Terra’s (Earth’s) affairs.

They purposefully distance themselves from any conflicts or negotiations concerning Terra.

– Involvement with Terra & Vibrational Assistance

Despite their general disinterest, a faction within the Zygon community has chosen to contribute to the advancement of the Terran species.

These select Zygon individuals focus on elevating the vibrational frequency, choosing to incarnate on Terra. They are notably associated with elegant, golden-hued ships.

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