The Zenae – Andromedan Constellation Alien Race

Visual representation of Andromedan beings from the Zenae civilization

– Origins & Physical Characteristics

The Zenae are a Lyran colony that departed Vega to settle in the Zenatean system within the Andromeda constellation. This binary star system, also known as Titawin, hosts four planets in orbit along with three planetoids.

The Zenae are humanoid beings, with males possessing blue skin and females having fairer skin, occasionally exhibiting golden tones in their complexion and hair.

Their lineage traces back to the Taal Lyrans of the Man system, who sought refuge in the Vega system during a time of conflict. Over time, their physical appearance evolved, adopting a blueish skin tone.

– Migration & Adaptation

Due to overpopulation on their home planet, Adara, a faction of the Zenae decided to migrate, establishing a new colony. Much like the adaptable nature of the Lyrans, the Zenae modified their genome to suit the atmospheric conditions and elements of their new planetary home. Their lifespan extends to approximately 1800 (Earth) years.

– Spiritual & Peaceful Civilization

The Zenae are known for their peaceful and discreet nature, aligning themselves with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Despite their ancient warrior-like societal structure, they transformed into a society of spiritual warriors.

They dedicate themselves to advocating for peace, upholding universal justice and working towards rebalancing frequency fields.

– Advanced Society & Influence

Their higher caste of sages achieves a profound spiritual advancement, reaching up to the 12th Density. Their primary focus revolves around learning and a passion for scientific exploration.

They founded the Zenatean Alliance, also known as the Andromedan Council, comprising approximately 140 diverse species. This non-political body is primarily composed of spiritually advanced races.

– Interaction with Terra (Earth) & Galactic Stewardship

The Zenae are actively involved with Terra (Earth) within the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They send envoys known as starseeds to aid in Terra’s evolution, recognizing this period as a pivotal juncture after 5700 years of Reptilian occupation.

They aim to steer Terra away from potential galactic tyranny orchestrated by alliances involving Terran dark corporations, the Ciakahrr, Orion and Altairan collectives.

– Technological Prowess & Travel

The Zenae utilize etheric and interdimensional travel methods, including time travel. Their vessels, crafted from etheric glass, employ plasmic propulsion when navigating denser atmospheres. These ships often showcase diamond or other crystalline geometric structures.

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