Vegans – Human Extraterrestrial Race

Physical Characteristics

Vegans - Human Extraterrestrial Race

Vegans are indistinguishable from Earth humans. Women range from five five to six four (1.65 to 1.93 meters) and men from six to just over seven feet (1.83 to 2.16 meters). Skin colors are primarily white, golden or brown and as with all star nations, the populace is diverse in skin pigmentations.

Vegan women are considered the most beautiful in the universe. They have a unique copper hair color distinct to their culture. Besides the normal range of eye colors, they have a shade of yellow unlike any other star nation.

Universal Origin

Universal Origin of Vegans - Human Extraterrestrial Race

Vegans are from Lyra, a constellation visible in the northern celestial hemisphere during summer, holds symbolic significance in various esoteric, spiritual and purported extraterrestrial discussions.

Some individuals who claim encounters with alien beings or channel information from extraterrestrial sources mention Vegans as a group of humanoid entities originating from this region of the cosmos.

Belief System

The Belief System of Vegans - Human Extraterrestrial Race

Vegans believe in the Cosmic Law of One. They believe we are all a particle of God, of Source, of the Universe. We are all interconnected and through interaction we the many operate the whole system.

We are all points of consciousness that are linked to the universal mind. They also practice the Law of Love. They believe that love flowers from within and law is how you interact with others. Vegans revere Goddess energy and embrace the divine feminine.

Cosmic Agenda

The Cosmic Agenda of Vegans - Human Extraterrestrial Race

Vegans are part of the Galacterian Alignment and participate in the Melchizedek Star Seed Program. Their galactic command centers are stationed above and below our planet. The Vegans have a highly developed psychic attunement with Creation.

The goddesses and females of the land focus their healing energies on Earth’s heart center. They cater to Earth’s soul, knowing she must also heal as the population’s consciousness increases to transit to the next phase of evolution. Vegans, as well as all star nations, are aware that planets are living entities.

All worlds are revered and tended to with loving care. Universal citizens travel to Vega to learn the goddess ways and principles, igniting the divine feminine within and to feel the love of the Cosmic Mother on a grander scale.


The Technology of Vegans - Human Extraterrestrial Race

Vegans have Galacterian motherships, starships, thoughtships, fleet ships and scout ships. All their craft and command centers use biological supercomputers and all craft are able to travel through time-space funnels and the innerspace continuum.

Vegans were influential working alongside other star nations in developing deflector weaponry, a technology that destroys enemy fire in outer space and in ground combat. This technology was developed to save lives on both sides.

Through imaging technology they can create physical objects from nothingness, physically materialize and dematerialize, reverse the aging process and alter space-time and reality.

Consciousness Abilities

The Consciousness Abilities of Vegans - Human Extraterrestrial Race

Vegans, as fully conscious and sovereign beings, possess exceptional abilities that transcend the cosmic norm. Their expertise in telepathy coupled with sensory perception beyond ordinary boundaries distinguishes them.

Proficient foreseers, they adeptly navigate the spectrum of time, foreseeing immediate, distant and far-reaching futures effortlessly. Descendants of the original Lyran colony, Vegans exhibit remarkable advancement across all facets of existence.

Their unparalleled consciousness marks Vegans as experts in telepathy, endowed with extraordinary sensory perception. Masters of foresight, they effortlessly navigate time’s vast tapestry, foreseeing diverse futures from immediate to far-reaching.

As direct descendants of the original Lyran colony, their evolution has culminated in remarkable advancements, showcasing excellence across all realms of life.

Dimensional Capacity

The Dimensional Capacity of Vegans - Human Extraterrestrial Race

Vegans possess multirealm commandership, demonstrating the unique ability to reassemble physical bodies or manipulate matter across locations through a molecular stimulation of light codes. Their adeptness transcends conventional bounds, enabling them to wield sophisticated technology or tap into advanced consciousness-based abilities, fundamentally altering matter.

Their prowess extends to mastery over trans-dimensional travel and instant relocation, demonstrating the capacity to transfer entire civilizations onto colossal ships within moments. This remarkable capability denotes their unparalleled command over spatial manipulation and highlights their seamless integration of advanced technologies with consciousness-based practices.

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