EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) – Greys

Physical Characteristics

EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities)

EBEs are engineered humanoid automatons, whose thin frames stand three to four and a half feet tall (0.91 to 1.37 meters). EBE skin tones are milky white to gray. Their slanted eyes are hauntingly large and they wear dark lenses over them for protection against the elements.

With plain facial features, their noses, ears and mouths are diminutive. These creatures have no genitals, are androgynous and look like children. They are chlorophyllbased beings.

Universal Origin

Reticulum and Orion constellation of Grey EBEs

Extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) are believed to have been created in the Orion constellation, one of the brightest and best known constellations and/or Zeta Reticuli II, located in the Reticulum constellation, a small faint constellation in the southern sky.

It is thought that Zeta races biological materials were being harvested by Draconian reptiles without consent, possibly through abduction and induced amnesia and used to create EBEs.

This is said to have taken place well over a million years ago. A great war broke out between the races. Although they worked out their differences over time, the EBE slave race is widespread across the universe.

Belief System

Belief System of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs)

EBEs have limited consciousness, but are able to function normally and perform tasks programmed by their creators. EBEs are often portrayed as entities that are created or designed for specific purposes by more advanced beings or civilizations.

These purposes could range from scientific exploration to labor, surveillance, or even military tasks. EBEs may be programmed with a set of instructions or algorithms that guide their actions and decision-making.

Cosmic Agenda

Cosmic Agenda of EBEs - Extraterrestrial Biological Entities

EBEs are usually sent on scientific expeditions in craft, so that their technological superiors remain safe on their home world or in their mothership stationed somewhere in the solar system. EBEs collect human DNA during abductions on the orders of their creators. They also place “alien implants” into generations of human families for study. Podiatrist Dr. Roger Leir became renowned for his investigations and surgical removal of alien implants from abductees.

It was discovered that the implants were cocooned in a biological material so the human body would accept the foreign device. Dr. Leir said that the implants had unique magnetic properties, strange crystalline elements, and emitted radio waves from space.

He also noted that the implants had no visible insertion site and that nerve endings surround the implant. He ran lab tests on the alien trackers and reported his findings in two books: Aliens and the Scalpel and Casebook: Alien Implants. If captured and interrogated on another world, EBEs may even be linked to their programmers, who speak through the unit, with the capturers none the wiser, so that the alien superiors learn more about the people there. EBEs are an extension of their programmers.


Technology of EBEs - Extraterrestrial Biological Entities

EBE scout ships launch from their programmer’s mothership. Scout ships are small craft that gather environmental information on explorative worlds and inside cosmic bodies. They have the capabilities to map, measure, and take samples. Other scout ships are larger and usually hold up to three to eight people for scientific excursions.

Orb- or pod-shaped are the most common designs. Aquatic scout ships are just as agile in water as they are in the air. Specialty scout ships can travel into unknown multiverses and gather information.

Consciousness Abilities

Consciousness Abilities of EBEs - Extraterrestrial Biological Entities

EBEs have telepathic and telekinetic abilities to unite their minds to the craft when navigating flight. The idea that EBEs unite their minds with their craft when navigating flight is often depicted as a seamless integration of their mental abilities and the technology of their spacecraft.

In this scenario, the craft becomes an extension of the EBEs themselves, responding to their collective thoughts and intentions. This unity between beings and technology allows for precise control and maneuvering, which is far beyond what human technology can achieve.

Dimensional Capacity

Dimensional Capacity of EBEs - Extraterrestrial Biological Entities

Due to the electromagnetic energy enhancements programmed into their auras, EBEs can tune their frequency to become invisible and walk through walls.

The concept of EBEs having electromagnetic enhancements within their auras suggests that they have developed advanced technologies or natural capabilities that allow them to manipulate electromagnetic fields in a way that transcends human understanding.

These enhancements might be said to give them the power to alter their physical properties, rendering them invisible or enabling them to pass through solid objects like walls.

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