Couple perform sex act on plane

This is the shocking moment a woman appears to perform a sex act on a man in front of horrified plane passengers.

The clip shows the woman seemingly caressing her partner’s groin aboard a British Airways flight from London Heathrow to Dublin, Ireland on May 7.

This is the shocking moment a woman appears to perform a sex act on a man in front of horrified plane passengers.

The clip shows the woman seemingly caressing her partner’s groin aboard a British Airways flight from London Heathrow to Dublin, Ireland on May 7.

Passengers horrified after woman performs sex act during flight

Passengers on a flight from London to Dublin were shocked after…See more

Farrah, 26, who was on the flight with her mum and brother, said she was “shocked” when she realised what the couple seemed to be doing on the hour-long trip.

“I was turning to look at my brother every time I was speaking, and then I saw a lot of sort of vigorous movement in the other seats on the other side,” Farrah, from West London, said.

“It was very blatant. She was constantly – for 15 to 20 minutes of the flight – just constantly at it with the guy.

The pair seemed to be engaging in an intimate act while on a flight to Dublin. Picture: SWNS

“They just carried on, which was shocking because there were children on the plane.

“There was a child running up and down who could have seen that.

“When they got told to put their seat belts on, it was very obvious that he was zipping himself back up and putting everything back in.

“It was just disgusting to be honest.”

Farrah said she filmed the encounter on the delayed BA832 flight from Heathrow, which left at 7.28am, as she jetted off on a family break to Ireland.

Shocking video shows a woman appearing to ‘vigorously’ caress a man’s groin. Picture: SWNS

Shocking video shows a woman appearing to ‘vigorously’ caress a man’s groin. Picture: SWNS

She said she spotted the pair becoming amorous on the cramped Airbus A320 plane not long after take-off during the short-haul journey.

Farrah said the male passenger had draped a scarf over his lap.

Passengers were ‘disgusted’ by the alleged act. Picture: SWNS

She added: “We had about 38 minutes of the flight time left when I noticed it. It was quite embarrassing for me to be sat with my brother and having to witness that.

“It was one of the smaller planes, making it a lot closer than the bigger planes.

“You had kids running up and down the aisles, they were between four and eight years old.

“A couple of them looked like five or six, and then maybe there were a couple that looked like they were eight or nine.

“At that age, when they’re running past, they are going to look at something like that.”

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