I came to Spain the see Canfranc Railway Station


Heading towards the Spanish/French border in the Pyrenees, I passed something that caught my eye – an abandoned railway station. Did a 180 and went back. Total ‘ghost town’. This turns out to be Urdos station and is on the Pau Canfranc line. 

I came to Spain the see Canfranc station and have so wanted to see it for so many years. Loot came through this station in WW2 to pay the Spanish for raw materials for their war effort. 

I wasn’t expecting to see this, but I had been following the disused line all the way. Some bridges removed, some bridges left. This was the line that connected France and Spain. After a rail disaster in 1970, this line was closed. This station and its hardware was left and it still remains.

I did walk into the tunnel but didn’t get to far as I bottled it, again. I do carry a head torch on the bike, but wasn’t brave enough to use it 

It makes the mind boggle of how much gold with the Swastika stamped into the ingots came through here. And where did that gold come from….I think we know the answer to that.

Source: Military Histroria

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