Transport for Greater Manchester launches Business Transport Advisory Council

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has ramped up its efforts to engage with the business community in Greater Manchester.

As the Bee Network continues to develop, the views of businesses, alongside other stakeholders, will help inform its future. To support this initiative and to listen directly to Greater Manchester business leaders, TfGM has founded a Business Transport Advisory Council (BTAC). 

Featuring firms from a wide variety of sectors and locations and of all different sizes, BTAC will meet once a quarter to discuss strategic transport issues that matter to the business community in the city region.

Sharing their experience of and views on topics ranging from transport in the night time economy to the importance of seamless transport integration to employees, BTAC members will offer guidance, challenge and advice to TfGM and GM’s Transport Commissioner, Vernon Everitt. 

Co-chaired by Erin MacTague, based in Salford for the media business Picture Shop and Transport Commissioner Vernon Everitt, BTAC has 16 members and will produce an annual report with its findings and recommendations. 

Co-Chair Erin MacTague said: “As a co-chair of the Business Transport Advisory Council, I am thrilled to be part of this collaborative effort between TfGM and the business community.

Our group, reflecting the diversity of businesses across Greater Manchester can help shape a transport system that not only meets the needs of our businesses today but also paves the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future for Greater Manchester.” 

Greater Manchester Transport Commissioner Vernon Everitt said: “The productivity and success of businesses relies on efficient connectivity to enable staff to get to work, to move freight and produce and to attract investment to the region.

“I am delighted that this new forum has been created with people drawn from a wide range of businesses across GM to challenge and advise me and TfGM on how transport should be improved to drive further growth in the regional economy.” 

TfGM’s Strategic Lead for Business Engagement Mark Thomas added: “The Bee Network will be transformative for Greater Manchester and that means it will have a huge impact on the city region’s 110,000 businesses. We’re really proud that alongside our other communities, BTAC will help us stay connected to what matters to this vital part of the GM economy.

“I’d like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the members for giving up their time to help Greater Manchester’s transport system develop in a way that works for everyone.” 

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