Portland rail line gets major funding boost

The Rail Freight Alliance welcomes the joint announcement from The Deputy Prime Minister
and The Federal Member for Wannon, Dan Tehan’s commitment to fund a full business case
to evaluate the upgrading of the Maroona to Portland Line.

“The Alliance has long advocated for this line to be upgraded and today we are cautiously
optimistic that finally this line will be brought up to standard”, RFA Chair Cr. Glenn Milne
said. “This line has been overlooked for too long.”

“This 172-kilometre section of line links the Western half of Victoria to the National Grid and
the Port of Portland, creating a pathway to export some of Australia’s most productive
farmland and mineral deposits.

The upgrading of this line will create rail competition at the Ports of Geelong, Melbourne
and Portland, increasing international competitiveness and creating jobs and investment in
the local, state and national economies, Rail Freight Alliance Deputy Chair, Cr. Anita Rank

Cr Rank acknowledged the many stakeholders and member councils who have contributed
their support to the Murray Basin Rail Project and the inclusion of the Maroona to Portland

The Port of Portland is considered the best deep-sea Port in Regional Victoria and has the
experience and expertise in handling rare earth resources, bulk grain and timber and we
thank them for their ongoing support and advocacy.

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