Council ramps up Wellington bus lane monitoring

Wellington City Council is set to introduce CCTV bus lane monitoring despite its current “manual” regime already enriching council coffers by more than $3000 a day.

The CCTV will allow bus lanes to be monitored at any time of day – and will be enforced during the hours they are operational (which vary and are marked by signage).

Figures obtained by *[The Post](* under the Local Government Official information and Meetings Act show that for a six month period, from October 1 2023 to April 1 this year motorists were pinged 4225 times for driving in bus lanes, netting the council $594,450, or $3248.36 a day.

The Riddiford St bus lane opposite Wellington Hospital continues to be the most lucrative.

That’s two-and-a-half times the 1664 infringements issued over the entire 12 months between July 1 2022 and June 30 2023.

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