To good not to share…

Mike McCormac came over a couple of days ago with an (almost ;o) completed sample of one of the variations of his HO scale NSWGR LFX ‘dogbox’ kits for photographing for the ‘Recent Releases’ section of the December issue of AMRM.
It really is a mouthwateringly good model and I could not resist posting one of the photos that didn’t get used in AMRM!
This is one of the first batch of high elliptical roofed cars which were fitted with the ‘old’ type underframe and short wheelbase bogies. Later batches had a redesigned underframe with longer wheelbase bogies in an attempt to improve the ride. Click on the image to see a much bigger image to truely appreciate the detail, which includes compartment interiors.
Models don’t come much better than this!
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