New Romanian transshipment terminal opens at Ukrainian border

Grampet Group, a Romanian private rail freight company and owner of Grup Feroviar Român, is opening its newly built grain transshipment terminal near the Ukrainian border. Located in the town of Dornești, the terminal is supposed to streamline grain shipments to the port of Constanța.
The inauguration ceremony of the terminal is taking place on Friday 31 May. The owner of Grampet Group, Romanian multimillionaire Gruia Stoica, reportedly flew over 250 people to attend the event.

The newly inaugurated terminal modernises and streamlines infrastructure in the region, the company says. The terminal will help to improve the connectivity to the port of Constanța at the Black Sea coast. To ease transshipment, the terminal makes use of equipment similar to Romania’s river and sea ports.

Importance for Ukraine

The terminal, located close to Ukraine’s border, also carries a certain importance for Romania’s northern neighbour, according to Grampet Group. “Romania had and has a major role in the operation of the solidarity corridors from the countries of the European Union to facilitate the transit of grain exports from Ukraine, which is essential in order to ensure food security in underdeveloped areas of Africa and Asia, as well as commercial flows at the global level”, Gruia Stoica said.

“This would be the fifth terminal operated by Grampet Group through the flag company Grup Feroviar Român. The investment marks a new chapter in the group’s efforts to streamline the railway infrastructure in the region and support the reconstruction of Ukraine”, Stoica added. Ukraine is also building its own intermodal terminal on the other side of the border.

Terminal capacity

The design of the terminal facilitates non-stop operations, 24 hours per day, says to Grampet Group. It has a maximum capacity of 3 million tonnes of cargo. The loading and unloading stations can simultaneously process 8 wagons, which allows for a processing speed of 500 tonnes per hour.

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