Budget 2024 – Government gives Cook Strait ferries the cold shoulder

There’s plenty of focus in Nicola Willis’ first Budget on Roads of National Significance, Roads of Regional Significance and rebuilding the national and metro rail networks.

However, there’s one road and rail connection of national significance that’s been shafted: the Cook Strait.

Every year, millions of tonnes of rail freight and road freight is transported across the strait. Millions of passengers and their vehicles travel between our two main islands via the Cook Strait every year too.

But there’s a problem: KiwiRail’s three ferries are nearly at the end of their working life.

Aratere is the only rail-enabled vessel (it has rails embedded in its main deck so wagons and their cargo can be shunted on). It is 26 years old.

The other two can’t take rail wagons. Kaitaki is 29 years old and Kaiarahi is 26 years old.

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