Horsham/Dorking show

 This was a weird one. Not as in creepy paedo games teacher, but weird in how it was put together and not advertised. I’ll admit that the trip north was tentative and hopes not high. The pluses were a haul of static grass and some RTP trees, but the rest was well…

The back story as recounted to me this afternoon was that both clubs have shrunk to the point of making it tricky to organise exhibitions individually (at this point see the reams of stuff that I’ve written here and in RM about the hobby’s future). The upshot is that, at least for this issue, they have combined and put on a joint bash. Again, I may have to wave my opinion and say that this may have not been the best move. 1. little or no advertising 2. no signage. I knew roughly where it was, but I’m not going to direct people in. 3. a pretty meh level of stuff, one pro trader and bods flogging dead people’s trains. 4. very minimal catering, just tea, crisps and chocolate, nothing lunch-ish. 

It wasn’t busy. Not surprisingly. Even at the peak time of midday Sunday. Though apparently they broke even on Saturday. The stand outs for me were a couple of 009s and the above infant 4mm Stephens layout above which promises to be good when finished. Rule One: you need a couple of big boys to bring the crowds in. There’s plenty in the Sarf Lundun to coast area so no need to shell out  for beds or on big fuel. Rule Two: this is your (and our) shop window. If you want more club members, this ain’t going to cut it.

It all felt very well meaning, but lacked any drive or buzz. Harsh?        Honest.

Show 4

Catering 3

Rucksacks 0

Parking 10

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