It’s Show Time

When we put BWS away in February 2020, after the Tonbridge show, I wasn’t quite expecting it to be October 2022 before we exhibited again…..!

Still, here we are, and next weekend, the 8th and 9th October, we are out on the road once more, at Hornby Magazine’s Great Electric Train Show in Milton Keynes.

Going back to working on BWS to get the old girl exhibition ready has been a nice interlude to work on the big layout, and I’ve delivered a series of (hopeful) improvements as well as fixing a few bits of damage that had occurred.

Now obviously, with 30 months to do this, in true OTCM style everything has been massively rushed in the last 3 weeks, but where is the fun in being organised, when you can spend the run up to a show running round like a deer that’s just realised there is a lion eying it up for dinner….!?

Anyway, I’ve put together a little video showing the work that has been done:

Full details of the show can be found at

If you are visiting the show feel free to stop by and say hello – it’s actually quite unusual for us both to be at a show with one of our layouts, so if you’re really unlucky you’ll get to see both of us.

For any Southerner not prepared to venture north of Watford, the layout will be out again on the 19th November in Portsmouth at the South Hants show – I’ll post details of that a bit closer to the time.


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