Wednesday 24th – Bits of this and that

 With most of the usual suspects in, we seemed to part company all doing different jobs.

It gives me great pleasure to announce the re-formation of team Chuckle Brothers, Colin came in yesterday and the old banter started almost immediately.

……. some detailed conversation going on here about the interior of 1675.

Whilst with 1675, Simon is here making and fitting a superb shelf unit for the servery.

Steve is about to make something ….. most likely for 13326,  I will find out and let you know.

Discussing with Bob final measurements for the South end rebuild on 13326

after a small bit of trimming the end panel lined up perfectly, so starting at the top full welding will follow then the door re-fit. We did do a test run with the door and the door fit team, and all was well.

We use a bespoke lifting frame which is weight certificated, it holds the door at whatever angle we need and avoids too much man handling.

Bob is preparing the upper centre panel which goes above the corridor connection, with two cutouts and a number of stud holes pre drilled.

Cutting three door hinge mounting plates, the plasma cutter makes short work of the 6mm plate.

An interior view of the mountings block tacked in place, once the door is deemed to be in the correct position and the holes are drilled and tapped, full welding will take place.

A collection of parts for corridor connection etc ….. Bob and Steve will be cleaning this lot next week.

A quick return to 1675, Rex is assembling the generator frame which I am told will be fitted tomorrow

Finally to our hardworking upholsterers, John is working with the overlocker on Dean Forest Railway seats.

……. Laura.


….. And Eve, who is cutting up plastic sheet to cover the work table ready for gluing more DFR seats.
That’s it until next week.
Many thanks as always to Gerry for the photos.
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