Thursday 18th – Cold, but glorious!


With a very hard frost and -7C (-8C in parts of Cheltenham), it wasn’t a day for hanging around. The clear day with the sunshine gradually warmed things up, and one or two from the Works even enjoyed their lunch sat on one of the station benches.

Paul and the Indoor Gang had a chilly time in the rakes as clearly shown by the exposed windows of TSO 4986 covered in frost.

 Hopefully Paul soon became warm enough vacuuming throughout the coach.

Alan and Geoff connected up a warm air blower and made the inside of FO 3132 “Mary” very much more comfortable. Two of the seats needed repairs to the central headrest, which can be loosened with passengers having to use them for support when easing round the tables. With one repaired, Alan tackles the second, made easier by removal of the next seat unit. No frost on Mary’s windows, no doubt protected by the adjacent Main Rake coaches.

Roger, the third member of the Indoor Gang, was repairing a leaking pipe joint in one of the toilets in BSKD 34929.

The old connection.

Geoff consults the very long list of Winter Shutdown jobs looking for the next one for the Gang – there are plenty more!

Ainsley repairing the Malvern side north end door on 4986.

The adjacent Discovery Coach in Platform 2 Bay is very handy as a temporary store for the cleaning items.

And mentioning cleaning, our stalwart Monday Cleaning Gang were also in doing an extra day and working both inside and outside the Main Rake in Platform 1. Hence a well filled Mess Room – the group are in the centre.

Following on from Gerry’s Wednesday photos, a group of six photos displaying the excellent work being done by our Upholstery Team.

The second contract from the Dean Forest Railway is progressing well, with the Mk2 seating steadily growing as more is delivered. In the storage bay are piles of seat components, a mix of re-covered, stripped, and in original moquette.

More completed sections, and underneath more of the lovely cushions whose sale has been astounding. The list in the middle is of current on-line sales.

Ready to re-cover ……………..

…………… and being re-covered.

From left to right, piles of completed cushions and glasses cases, bags, and finally pieces of moquette cut ready.

Part of the display in Upholstery for our Gala visitors to peruse. This indicates the different moquettes in use in our coaches and the DMUs.

Awaiting on the Paintshop trestles, the newly cut corridor connection sections of hardwood for FK 13326, with a note “Please paint in gloss black”. These are probably what was being made by David and Geoff in the photo taken by Gerry on Wednesday.

The edges of the various pieces were given a rub down with 80 sandpaper to remove any splinters, although with two of the vertical pillars the backs were a bit rough and Jeff had to use a pad sander.

 With sanding completed, Jeff begins the initial priming.

Moving on the RBr 1675, Phil and Bob continue the paint stripping on the Cotswold side.

Meanwhile Gerry was back to reinstating quarterlights.

Adding the rubber seal around the next one to be fitted.

Using a template to cut the correct angle in the rubber seal.

Both our electrics Richards were busy again. Richard I at work with the 240 volt system wiring, all carefully labelled up. It looks quite complicated, but they certainly know what they are doing.

 Now setting up the second pigtail at the south end.

The initial (Cotswold side) electrical connection now complete. This is to enable the essential equipment on board 1675 to be kept on charge when the rake is stabled.

Richard II appeared with the water heater skid and requested that it be painted. It will probably go into Executive Light Grey (as we already have sufficient tins available) – in the past we have painted the kitchen areas of the RBrs in either that or Silver Grey.

 [Photo :Richard II]   A test of the skid complete with the water heater and associated unit.

 Rex continued his creation of the support for the new electric generator.

 Underneath 1675 the various parts are being assembled.

 The new shelves being created by Simon are gradually taking shape in the counter area.

Into the Barn now to find newly outshopped NYMR SK 25488 up on the jacks ready for an exchange of bogies.

John services one of the replacement bogies. Regarding the bogies that were sent away for wheel turning, these are due to go under CK 16221 when they are returned on Tuesday 23rd.

16221 is now stabled on the through Barn road, where two repairs are underway. The Cotswold side south end door, which has been locked out of use, is now slamming as it should – the door liner has been planed on the open side and the door receiver needs putting back. 

The north end connection sliding door has also been a problem, another job in the list for the Indoor Gang.

Maurice was back on the GW/SR van, cleaning up the north end headstock. He initially gave the south end headstock a second coat of red oxide.

With the Flag and Whistle Restaurant now back under the control of the Railway, C&W have been asked to assist with its refurbishment. Two of the Woodwork Team, Chris and Alan, will be making a new counter. 

Chris demonstrates a very useful tool called a loose tenon (domino) joiner.

In effect this enables the replacement of the traditional mortise and tenon joint with an equally strong joint that can be produced relatively quickly.

The selected drill bit waggles from side to side to produce the oval slots, as shown above.

The little dominoes are inserted and the whole joint glued to make a strong connection.

The Painting Team have also been requested to help repaint the exterior front elevation of the building during the summer months.

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