Kazakh Xi’an terminal boosts Middle Corridor traffic by 70%

The Kazakh rail terminal in Xi’an, China, has boosted freight traffic on the Middle Corridor by 70 per cent. The terminal opened for operations in February 2024 and has since then significantly affected freight volumes heading west.
According to the organisation Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, the Kazakh rail terminal in Chinese Xi’an has significantly boosted rail freight traffic on the Middle Corridor. Container traffic has grown by 70 per cent since the start of operations. Moreover, the number of container trains travelling westwards has also grown ninefold.

Nearly 40 per cent of Chinese rail traffic heading to Europe is formed in Xi’an, making it a prime location for the Kazakh terminal. Every 100 minutes, a train arrives or departs from the facility, which has an annual throughput capacity of 66,5 thousand TFEU. In the first quarter of 2024, over a thousand trains departed the terminal towards Europe.

Booming bilateral trade

The Kazakh terminal in Xi’an is jointly operated by KTZ Express, a subsidiary of Kazakh Railways, and Xi’an Free Trade Port Construction and Operation. “The aim of the terminal in Xi’an is for it to be a transfer hub and warehouse so that goods can be transferred between China, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and even Europe and other places more efficiently,” the director of KTZ Express’ Chinese branch is quoted as saying to a Chinese media outlet.

“We adjust the shipment schedule based on real-time market demand, share information about the train service, and provide one-stop service to our clients. The booming bilateral trade in recent years has given us the confidence to expand business in China,” the Kazakh representative commented.

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