Thursday 4th – Shutdown kicks off

With more returning after the Christmas-New Year break it was a busy day, with more concentrated effort on Winter maintenance.

Walking with Dennis up on to Platform 2, a quick pause to photograph both running rakes in the station. With the end to the running season the Chocolate & Cream (Main) Rake has been brought down to Winchcombe to join the Maroon Rake. With the 3rd Rake and 4th Rake coaches in their respective sidings we now have all our coaches to hand. There was also a team of volunteers removing the Christmas decorations from the two rakes – note the pile on Platform 1.

The main job today for the Indoor Gang was to try and sort out the problem with the sticking doors leading to the disabled (accessible) part of BSKD 34929. Alan and Roger have already had both doors off and adjustments made. Phil tries both – no, still not right.

 Another quick discussion and …………………….

 ……………… they have to come off again.

What was odd was that one track was found to be shorter than the other!  The sticking problem was eventually resolved, a job well done by Alan and Roger. A length of vertical beading has been consistently rubbed by one of the doors and is now in the Paintshop for some revarnishing. This will be put back next Thursday.

I think some longer screws will be necessary to keep this sturdy back panel in place.

SO 4787, one of my favourite coaches on the Railway. Built in 1955 with wood used throughout, that and the soft mauve seating giving a warm welcoming look. Unfortunately the moquette has had its day and as such will be replaced by the more recently refurbished seating in SO 4798 (as previously reported). Having free’d up as much as possible of the seating in 4798, Dave now begins doing the same in 4787.  


The Paintshop whiteboard listing what’s to be done with NYMR SK 25488 and RBr 1675.

The interior of 25488 was my job on and off during the day. All the internal windows, including the inner compartment glass, were cleaned. The seating, seating tops, lights, luggage racks and floor throughout were thoroughly vac’d. All three vestibules, the corridor and compartment sides were wiped free of any dust. So, that’s it, job done. The coach goes out on Saturday to join its 4th Rake companions.

Tank Wagon 43930 has its own white board, one of the jobs listed being to tidy to the outside black paint. After this Maurice moved on to another which is to continue painting the top of the tank. On Wednesday David had painted a lot of the accessible internal blackwork.

The second job on the Paintshop whiteboard with Bob and Jeff working on the Cotswold side of RBr 1675. Along with the completion of the Tank Wagon, after the shunt paint stripping 1675 will be the main job for a while in the Paintshop.

 Richard II was again working on the junction box for 1675’s 24 Volt system ……..

……….. while one of the jobs being done by Richard I was adjusting the connection box so far fitted at the south end of the coach.

The last job of the day was to clear away as much as possible from the Works through road to enable us to crack on with Saturday’s shunt. Saturday’s forecast for Winchcombe is sunny intervals with light winds – perfect! We should be able to get some good photos of 25488 as it emerges into the daylight.

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