Wednesday 13th – Decisions

 The main decision was to all agree the South Malvern side door pillar was in need of some TLC, Steve and Bob moved in and before long Steve had removed the lower Z section, and Bob had removed the heavily corroded floor bearer.

Steve’s aim was to do as little damage to the surrounding structure, here he is carefully removing the lower part of the wood door spacer.

Bob is about to start removing the rather tired timber floor support, and yes he did put his safety goggles on after the photo was taken.

The alternative chuckle brothers, clearly very happy with their work so far.

Please ignore the water pipe ….. the repaired door Z section pillar …. the door can go back on.

The first of three parts of floor bearer, its much easier to get them in situ like this. Once measured and square they will be fully welded and the floor can go back in.

It pays to look busy, because if you don’t a delivery arrives and this is what happens.

……. it wasn’t just metal, a little later a large quantity of Moquette arrived so once again it was all hands….

Laura is making the latest must have from our upholstery department ….. a spectacle case.

Eve is working on a couple of cushions which are selling like hot cushions (cakes).

Jenny and Laura marking out for yet more cushions.

With 1675 Simon is looking at a piece of wood …….

…… thats where it goes.

In the saloon David is shaping a piece of moulding, I would imagine for a window surround.

Ainsley is fixing what looks like the last piece of capping to this door again on 1675.

Rex is making parts for the generator mount to go under 1675.

One half of the generator mount.

Ken and Geoff in discussion ….. we do have a large space heater in the workshop but with the big roller shutter open it struggles to get warm …. hence the outside clothing. Roll on the better weather.

Gerry is fitting rubber surrounds to a quarter glass window.

Ben and Trevor making new parts for door locks.

The end of a very busy day.

Many thanks to Gerry for the brilliant photos

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