Stanford Scientist Confirms Extraterrestrial Visits | Dr. Garry Nolan

Stanford Scientist Confirms Extraterrestrial Visits |
Dr. Garry Nolan

Chris Lehto:

Join us for an eye-opening interview with Dr. Garry Nolan, a renowned Stanford professor and expert in cancer immunology and virology, as he discusses groundbreaking insights from the 2023 SALT Conference. Dr. Nolan shares his astonishing belief that extraterrestrial intelligence has not only visited Earth but has been here for a long time. Dive into his compelling evidence, experiences with advanced technologies, and his thoughts on government disclosure and UFO phenomena. Don’t miss this fascinating discussion that challenges conventional thinking and explores the frontiers of science and the unknown.

Key Topics:

  • Dr. Nolan’s background and research in cancer immunology and virology
  • Extraterrestrial intelligence and its presence on Earth
  • Government actions and disclosures on UFOs
  • Advanced technologies and reverse engineering of alien materials
  • Speculations on the nature of non-human intelligence

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