Queensland Rail reassures passengers ahead of industrial action

Image: makkuro kurosuke/stock.adobe.com

Queensland Rail has responded to protected industrial action plans with a message for its customers.

A Queensland Rail spokesperson has assured customers that it’s working hard to ensure train services remain unaffected during upcoming planned protected industrial action.

Currently, Queensland Rail expects no significant service disruptions during the action, but it is preparing to notify customers through the Queensland Rail and Translink social media channels if there are any changes.

“Enterprise agreement negotiations are continuing in good faith and we look forward to reaching an outcome as soon as possible,” the spokesperson says.

“We support the right of unions to take protected industrial action, and the right for employees to participate in this action.”

If there are any service changes due to the action, Queensland Rail says that its travel and freight customers will be contacted directly about how it impacts them.

Queensland Rail says it remains committed to investing in its people so it can deliver safe and reliable rail services for its customers and support the delivery of its future rail network.

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