ASTONISHING: Ten Cases of Extraterrestrial Contact

Ten Cases of Extraterrestrial Contact

Preston Dennett:

A face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial humanoid – it’s one of the most astonishing experiences a person can have. And it’s happening to a lot of people. It’s been happening all over the world for a very long time. While governments across the world are admitting that UFOs are real, they refuse to talk about firsthand contact cases. The question is why? Is it because humanoid encounters represent the forefront of UFO research and have volumes to teach us about this subject? This video presents ten astonishing cases of direct contact with humanoids. These include multiple witness cases with a wide variety of supporting evidence. Time for truth!

A SHOCKING EXPERIENCE. It was 10am one summer morning in 1948 when Ernst-August R. was minding his sheep in a rural area of Hemer, Germany. Suddenly his sheep scattered as a large saucer-shaped craft landed next to him. Ernst reached out and touched it. He was immediately shocked and passed out. Upon awakening, he was surrounded by strange humanoids.

A VERY LOUD UFO. One afternoon in July of 1960, railway worker Georges Godbout and two others were on the Canadian National Railroad by Chapais, Quebec, Canada when a UFO appeared over the tracks. It stopped and a humanoid wearing a green bodysuit came out. He started to look around, but seeing the witnesses, quickly fled. The UFO flew off with a noise so loud, it made the witnesses physically ill.

SPRAYED BY A UFO. On the afternoon of September 30, 1971, Anssi Hakala (age 11) was bicycling to his home in rural Marttila, Finland when a tall green humanoid appeared, floating above his head. Anssi biked away in fear. The being disappeared into a craft, which continued to pace Anssi on his bike, spraying him with a weird liquid as Anssi raced home.

THE LAUGHING ALIENS. At 5:30 pm on September 27, 1973, Antoine X (a mechanic) was out picking edible mushrooms by his home in Bedarrides, France when he saw what appeared to be two small children. But they wore beige jumpsuits, had very fine features and looked identical. Antoine called out to them, but they laughed and disappeared into the brush. Moments later, a metallic craft rose up and darted away.

UFO AT A YOUTH CAMP. At 9:30 pm on February 3, 1977, several children from a youth camp at Seven-Mile-Beach in Tasmania, Australia spotted a classic flying saucer hovering at low elevation. It was covered with lights and had several portholes, and through one of the portholes, the children saw a strange humanoid with an oversized head looking down at them.

UFO LANDS AT SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. At 6:30 pm, Frank Sverre Mandte and Johnny Myrr (both age 11 and deaf) were approaching the Alm’s School near Honefoss, Norway, when they noticed a glowing object approach. In moments, it came overhead, stopped, and landed a short distance away. Both boys saw a humanoid looking out at them. The object took off, leaving behind undeniable landing traces.

ALIENS INSPECT FARMHOUSE. Just before 10pm on August 31, 1978, just as a power-outage struck the area of their home in La Dulce, Argentina, Manuel and Leonor Arias observed an oval craft with porthole hovering near their farm. It then ejected two figures with glowing red eyes who approached the farm and began to inspect the sheds. They stayed for an hour. It was one of more than 20 encounters in the area.

CHASED BY EXTRATERRESTRIALS. At 7:40 pm on September 21, 1978, an anonymous boy was walking near his home in Cosenza, Italy when the environment around him lit up like daylight, and a UFO appeared on a nearby hill. Suddenly he saw four humanoids bounding towards him. He fainted and when he awoke, he was surrounded by four humanoids. He fainted again, and when he awoke, they were gone.

AN ALIEN IN THE YARD. At 10pm on November 24, 1988, Rune Asplund was in his home in Daviken, Sweden when he noticed an odd-looking figure in his yard. The figure stood in a strange posture, and was wearing a shiny, metallic jumpsuit. Going outside to investigate, the figure disappeared into thin air. Rune later learned a police officer had an encounter the same night, and his neighbor also saw a strange humanoid.

PLEASE TELL ME I’M NOT CRAZY. It was 1:30 am one evening in the summer of 1999 when a 14-year-old girl heard a deafening screeching sound coming from outside the second-story bedroom window of her home in Clarksburg, Massachusetts. Looking outside, she saw a strange 3-foot-tall creature with gray skin, a hairless head and black eyes. Her sister and mother also heard the scream, rushed in, and saw it too. The creature remained for 15 minutes before finally leaving. But it would soon return.

These ten amazing humanoid encounters show how very strange face-to-face contact can be. And these ten accounts represent just a tiny portion of the true number of encounters. So many cases. So many kinds of humanoids. So much evidence! The time for skepticism is over. We are being visited.

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