Spanish region gets billions of euros for Atlantic Corridor development

The Spanish Ministry of Transport will invest 2.8 billion euros for the development of the TEN-T Atlantic Corridor in the Asturias region. The vast majority will be allocated to the railways.
Of the 2.8 billion euros allocated for Asturias, 2.42 will be dedicated to railway projects. The remaining funds will be split between road infrastructure and Asturian ports. For the former, 420 million euros will be deployed, while the ports of Gijón and Avilés will receive 62 and 69.1 million euros respectively.

In general, most of the funds are to finance projects which need to be commissioned by 2030. The rest, 675 million euros are investments advanced by the Ministry for projects with a deadline of 2050. No specific information was provided about the projects concerning railways and ports.

Galicia to study rail freight demand

Asturias is not the only region in the Spanish northwest where the focus on rail and rail freight seems to be higher. The bordering region of Galicia recently launched a study investigating rail freight demand along its section of the Corridor. The region’s governing body has commissioned a study to assess rail freight demand in its territory. The focus is on the Atlantic Corridor, which will connect Vigo to A Coruña, Gijon, Valladolid and Porto.

The study will last seven months and was assigned to Miebach Consulting for 45,000 euros. The study is part of a partnership between the region and the Logistics Function Cluster of Galicia that will last until 2025 and will see an investment of 140,000 euros.

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