Remote Viewing CERN, ET Civilizations on Earth, Quantum Vacuum Energy and the Great Awakening

Remote Viewing CERN, ET Civilizations on Earth,
Quantum Vacuum Energy and the Great Awakening

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 15, 2024


  • Dick Allgire’s Future Forecasting Group remote views what’s really      happening at CERN
  • 3 Months to GSIC Conference
  • Discovered Lost Tapes Confirm ET Contact and Secret Space Program      claims by French Experiencer
  • Nassim Haramein explains abundance of quantum vacuum energy that      surrounds us.
  • Roundtable discussion by male presenters at Sept 27-29 GSIC Conference
  • Latest developments about the Jupiter Accords, the Artemis Accords, the      Hub, safety zones & how this impacts the galactic slave trade.
  • A UAP Caucus of over 80 Japanese legislators that includes former      Defense Ministers has been formed to investigate UFOs as an important      national security threat.
  • “Hidden UFO civilization could be on Earth,” according to Harvard      University researchers
  • A deal between Russia and China to establish an International Lunar      Research Station (ILRS) first agreed to in 2022 has just been ratified by      Russia’s Parliament and signed into law by President Putin.
  • A militarized version of SpaceX’s Starlink is to be acquired soon by the      Pentagon to form a global satellite communication network.
  • The Secret History of Deep Underground Military Bases & the Great      Awakening
  • Donald Trump says he has been told by credible military personnel about      UFOs flying 4 times faster than fighter jets.
  • The Secretary of the Dept of Energy substitutes the word “Drone’” for      UFO and admits they are a national security problem at nuclear facilities.
  • Ancient ET Gods Among Us Today Webinar is Today


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