New train stations for the Upper North Waikato?

Plans are proceeding for additional train stations for Te Huia in the Upper North Waikato. Here’s an update on where this work has got to.

A business case wrapped up in August 2023 into additional station stops for Te Huia in the Upper North Waikato at Te Kauwhata, Pōkeno and Tūākau. These station stops are all closer to Auckland than any of the current Te Huia station stops. In particular, Pōkeno has grown very strongly, with a larger number of people who commute to work in Auckland, while significant growth is planned for Te Kauwhata and more modest growth in Tūākau.

Work on this business case has been reported to community boards such as Pōkeno and Tūākau and to the Waikato District Council and Waikato Regional Council. But before we dive into the detail, let’s look at some of these opportunities to provide fast-growing communities in the North Waikato with access to existing and future rail services.

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