Bruce Lehrmann faces committal hearing on two rape charges

A major twist has emerged in Bruce Lehrmann’s rape committal hearing at Toowoomba, with media booted from the courtroom while the complainant gives evidence.

Mr Lehrmann did not speak to media when entering the courthouse on Monday but was overheard saying “where’s Peter Costello when you need him?”.

The quip is in reference to Mr Costello allegedly knocking over a journalist from The Australian, which was caught on video, at Canberra Airport earlier this month. 

Former parliamentary staffer Bruce Lehrmann arrives to Toowoomba Magistrates Court in the company of his legal team. Picture: NewsWire / John Gass

It’s the first time Mr Lehrmann, 29, has fronted the regional courtroom since the charges were laid.

An application from media entities to be allowed to report on closed court evidence during the committal has been dismissed.

“I accept the principle of open justice and acknowledge the high public interest in this case,” magistrate Mark Howden said during his decision.

“However, in the court’s opinion there has not been any basis raised which would shift the position that it would not be prejudicial to the interests of the complainant.

“The matter ought to proceed in the ordinary way in my opinion.”
Mr Lehrmann is facing two charges of rape, with police alleging he raped a woman on two occasions while he was living in his home town in October 2021.

He has not yet entered pleas, but he has indicated he will defend the charges.

Except from News Corporation

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