The Alkhoru – Serene Inhabitants of the Fifth Planet in the Ashaaru System

An Alkhorhu, a tall and serene inhabitant of Alkhorat, with their advanced Ashaari-type spacecraft in the background

The Serene World of Alkhorat

The 5th planet of the Ashaaru system, Alkhorat, known as “the serene place,” is home to the Alkhorhu. These inhabitants are descendants of the Noor colony and are known for their tranquil lifestyle and impressive physical stature.

Physiological Traits and Longevity

Standing up to 8 feet tall, the Alkhorhu share genetic roots with the Ahil but have distinct physiological differences. Like the Ahil and Taali, the Alkhorhu have a life expectancy ranging between 500 to 700 years. However, due to genetic alterations from successive changes in habitat conditions, they suffer from a unique ailment where their internal organs do not grow as fast as their bodies, often leading to heart failure.

Galactic Federation of Worlds Membership

As members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW), the Alkhorhu are actively involved in Terran affairs, much like their Ashaari counterparts, the Taygeta Pleiadeans. Historically, they have established colonies on Terra, with some myths even recording the Noor as red-haired giants.

Technological Prowess

The Alkhorhu possess advanced spacecraft technology similar to that of the Errahil and T-mari. Their ships, typical of the Ashaari design, demonstrate their shared technological heritage and expertise.

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