Paul’s Blog – January 27, 2024

On Saturday, January 27, the volunteer crew consisting of Dwight Maxey, Colin Mellin, Chris Pollard, Polly Cotton, Dannis Hudson and Paul Brown jumped on a couple of projects. First up, we spread gravel in between a couple of our shop tracks to make conditions a bit safer, and hopefully alleviate some mud issues we’ve been having. This work took a couple of hours in the morning before we took a break for lunch.

After lunch, we deviated a bit from the plan, and instead worked on some improved track crossings on our shop tracks. We needed to cut some old rail to use for flangeways, and then install these in the track and fill in with the same gravel we used in the morning. The old 85 lb rail we rescued a few years back worked just right, and the members all got to practice driving some spikes. Polly and Dannis even got into a little grandmother/grandson competition driving those spikes!

After a busy and fast paced day, we cleaned up the tools and headed out, but we’ll be back again next Saturday for more fun! I have included a few pictures of today’s work, but sorry I didn’t get any of the spike driving contest!

– Paul

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