7 Dollar Flash Sale

This week I have uploaded over one-hundred-and-seventy bundled listings on eBay at the price of $7 each, posted free anywhere in Australia. Along with that, I have dropped the prices on the rest of my listings, including some antique railway signs, newsletters and my remaining few weathered model trains that are still available in a final attempt to clear them all out.

Remember this photo of my BIG CLEAN OUT from January 2023? Well, I’m glad to say that a year on I can at least safely walk into my study without tripping over all of this!

However, as I now turn my study into some form of a photo studio through which I can work from home, I’ve had to consider what to do with a lot of stuff that I have been collecting as part of my train disease, ahem, hobby, over the course of a lifetime.
So, fresh from neatly arranging the few timetables, railway relics and my reference books that I’d like to keep into something that resembles an attractive feature when you walk into the room, I’ve bundled up a heap of railway tickets, timetables and football cards into $7 bargain buy-now listings with free postage included.
As a collector myself, there’s little chance of ever finding these things again for this price. So, if that sounds like something you are interested in, then be sure to click on the top banner to view all of my listings before they are gone. I had over 1,400 listings on eBay at the start of the year, and currently there are less than 500 listings still active. I hope to quickly get that amount down to an even smaller and more manageable number before I head into a new full-time career.
After a trying year of affording to put myself through full-time study and selling off some of my personal model railway collection to afford the necessary photography equipment, I’m hoping this acts as a fundraiser to recoup some funds for a new sound equipped locomotive and a couple of wagons for Philden Beach that will go some way to replacing the 9 that I reluctantly needed to sell earlier in the year.
So how far does $7 go? Well, it will look a little something like this…
  • $7.00 [you get free postage]
  • $1.50 [Australia Post gets for me to post it to you]
  • $0.84 [eBay gets in fees]
  • $4.66 [which goes to the Philden Beach model train fund]
  • x 172 listings = $801.52
Well, that’s my reasoning anyway. With no plans to build anything new beyond my small OO9 scale Welsh Highlands layout which I will soon resume work on, this is really the only way I can afford to add anything to Philden Beach’s humble roster to keep the fun rolling.
There are also some ex-store copies of my books that have come back my way from a bookstore that has closed down which I have listed at a discount price as they were a little dinged-up on the corners. If that doesn’t bother you, then they might also be of interest. So, thanks to everyone that takes a little time to browse through what I have for sale. Every sale helps this cash-strapped modeller, and I’ll get them posted out as quickly as the orders come in.
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