Alien Activity on The Dark Side of the Moon

Over the years, much has been published about the strange things that happen on the dark side of the moon. 

The far side of the moon has been a mystery since the dawn of the space age. But is it just a barren, crater-filled wasteland? 
Shocking claims from astronauts, whistleblowers, and classified documents suggest there’s more to the story. Eerie sounds, inexplicable sightings, and covert missions point to something astounding hidden from public view. 
Before delving into the evidence, which ranges from Apollo-era transcripts to insights from modern military insiders, it’s worth noting an intriguing paper recently released by Harvard. Titled “The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis. This paper proposes among other themes that UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) might be the result of activities by intelligent beings hidden here on Earth eventually underground or in nearby areas such as the moon. (Notion: The dark of the side of the moon could be an excellent place to hide.) 
But the Harvard paper has suddenly disappeared… though we saved you a copy: 
The implications are staggering, hinting at a secret history beyond our world.

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