Final Beaconsfield Parade bridge precinct design released

Image/Inland Rail

Inland Rail has released drawings of the Beaconsfield Parade precinct design will look like, including improved pedestrian and vehicle connections.

The new visualisations provide an illustration of the improvements that are being incorporated into the Inland Rail works.

During engagement with the community we heard heritage, safety, accessibility and connectivity were important and this feedback is reflected in the final precinct design.

Image/Inland Rail

In the coming months, the following new features will be opened:

  • a network of walking paths improving access between key heritage sites and Gladstone Street
  • better accessibility, visibility and connectedness across the precinct
  • an upgraded pathway along Beaconsfield Parade, adjacent to Ann Jones Inn site, benefitting school children, residents and tourists
  • new bus and vehicle parking areas.

The new Beaconsfield Parade bridge and separated shared user path opened in early March 2024 and is already providing improved safer access.

Glenrowan resident Darren Roberts said: “It’s so much better than what we had. It’s smoother and there’s plenty of space for me to ride my scooter safely across.”

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