“Bendy” buses are be the preferred option to improve passenger capacity on the capital’s busiest route, the Greater Wellington Regional Council has decided.
The list of options was on Thursday presented to councillors, who heard why articulated buses were best-placed to address forecast demand on the No.2 service between Karori, Miramar and Seatoun.
In a statement, transport committee chairperson Thomas Nash said one in six Metlink bus passengers in Wellington City use Route 2, with patronage projected to double in the next 10 years.
“With our driver workforce pretty much back up to full strength and cancellations down under 1%, Route 2 patronage has now surpassed pre-Covid levels, with 3 million trips in the last 12 months.
Double deckers can’t safely pass through Karori tunnel and adding standard buses to this high frequency route was predicted to cause further delays as the vehicles bunch up along the route.