Let’s make infrastructure the next economic success story

If ever New Zealand needed an economic success story, it’s now. A new venture or sector to emerge out of the gloom, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue each year, and helping lay the platform for the post-pandemic recovery and for greater prosperity over the long term.

The good news is that such a success story could in fact be sitting right in front of us, in the form of New Zealand’s transport infrastructure programme.

It’s well known that when we invest in the right transport projects, it’s good news for the economy – transport infrastructure connects up communities; it strengthens and speeds up supply chains; it allows people and goods to travel within and between regions more quickly, efficiently, and reliably. \
Other projects that have been identified as strategic priorities – not just highways, but bus ways, rail connections, and major urban roads – need to be assessed through the same lens, so that a prioritised programme can be developed.

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