The D’Akoorhu – Ethereal Guardians of Peace from Dakoorat

An ethereal D'Akoorhu, a guardian of peace from Dakoorat, with their transdimensional ethereal ship in the background

Evolution and Transformation

The D’Akoorhu, residing on the 10th planet Dakoorat, are known as the “guardians of peace.” This fourth Ashaari race is an evolved branch of the Noori from Alkhorat, often referred to as the “Pleiadeans of light.” They represent the highest level of evolution within the Man race, dwelling in the 9th density of existence on a world they transformed alongside their ascension.

Crystalline World and Ethereal Forms

The extraordinary development of the D’Akoorhu into light beings is attributed to the nature of Dakoorat, the outermost planet of the Ashaari system. The planet’s crystalline structure interacts molecularly with the plasmic field of the cluster, enabling the D’Akoorhu to transfigure their bodies into translucent ethereal forms. This transformation has extended their life-spans significantly, allowing them to choose when to merge back with Source and regenerate for a new mission.

Role in the Galactic Federation of Worlds

The D’Akoorhu are wise and powerful members of the Galactic Federation’s council. They actively work on the ascensional shift of Terra and the maintenance of its frequency grid. Their influence and wisdom are crucial in guiding the planet towards higher densities.

Advanced Technology

The D’Akoorhu utilize transdimensional ethereal ships powered by geometrical resonance energy. These ships often appear as lozenges or faceted prisms, reflecting their advanced technological capabilities and their ethereal nature.

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