V/Line website down leaving commuters in the dark

The V/Line website containing timetables, travel information and updated service statuses is unavailable having been down most of the day.

There is currently an issue impacting the Vline Website, Journey Planner and Departure Boards. We are working to resolve the issue.

The issue looks much like a Domain Name Service issue involving resolution.

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4 thoughts on “V/Line website down leaving commuters in the dark

  1. Our website has been partially restored. Unfortunately our mobile journey planner is still experiencing difficulties. We hope to have this restored soon. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this. –V/Line Update 12:45pm.

  2. could be a load balance set in there or 3 individual web servers

    $ dig http://www.vline.com.au

    ; <> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.19-Ubuntu <> http://www.vline.com.au
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 32749
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

    ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4000
    ;www.vline.com.au. IN A

    http://www.vline.com.au. 60 IN CNAME vline.com.au.
    vline.com.au. 60 IN A
    vline.com.au. 60 IN A
    vline.com.au. 60 IN A

    ;; Query time: 17 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Fri Jun 21 12:33:18 AEST 2024
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 107

  3. Our website is currently experiencing ongoing technical difficulties. Our IT departement is currently working on a fix to the issue. Please refer to the PTV website for the journey planner. We apologise for any inconvinience caused.

  4. We have great news!
    We’ve successfully resolved the technical issue and are happy to announce that all services are now being progressively restored. Thank you all for your patience and understanding, We’re back on track and ready to provide you with the best experience possible.

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